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Pick from your man's wardrobe...

Photo du rédacteur: Laure AssanyLaure Assany

It's never been so cool to steal your man's jeans. Boyfriend could be as sexy as it is trendy... You can make a statement with your man's wardrobe.

First of all, make sure is not too much over-sized, in that case maybe you have another 'slimmer' male friend to steal from... Second rule, pair with flair: some of the best style comes from the pairing things that are just a little odd or off-balance. Thirdly, don't stop with the jeans, embrace the whole wardrobe: t-shirt, shirt, watch, tie... You got it?

Let's start :

THE Boyfriend Jeans :

Shop the look :

The Customized Tshirt :

Shop The look :

The watch :

Shop the look :

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